Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jul 6, 2013 14:57:53 GMT -8
This activity check is officially closed. We have unfortunately lost some people this time around. Here are the fallen... Ana María Campos Hernández Antonio Carriedo Fernandez Kiku Honda Linh Nguyen Steven Nigel Kirkland Mei Wang Aurora Williams And here are some notes for some people... Liesel Sofia Friedmann is a sexy mofo. Im Yong Soo and Heracles Karpusi are a great ship. Toris Laurinaitis is excused due to it being Chickie Day and due to the business of the chicken behind the screen. Athena Callisto Karpusi and the rest of the characters roleplayed by the Bloss has done a phenomenal amount of posts, congratulations. Elise Segher's mun is a cutie. Clara Huang is such a bamf. João Ferreira Henriques should hurry up and find his ADORABLE LITTLE GIRL. Kiku Honda's mun should talk to us as soon as possible. Francis Bonnefoy is wonderful~ do talk to us, though, wonderful mun, we like you. >;3b Roderich Edelstein's mun should talk to us, yes. It's merely business. Katyusha Chernenko, you're checked in but the link to your sheet doesn't work, but don't worry, your sheet looks good (after searching for it through piles of sheets). Donald Finn O'Neill-Kirkland, Icy wants to taste your Lucky Charms.
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jul 6, 2013 14:27:38 GMT -8
...I like how most of this thread is me OTL
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jun 30, 2013 9:35:05 GMT -8
Oops I haven't really disappeared, now have I... I really might have to for a bit, this is just getting too stressful. Won't be able to finish ACs for this month for Yao and Feliciano, and it seems I'll be shopping for a whole new wardrobe and taking care of all that business before my departure ;;
I guess till we meet again? Who knows when?
You know I'll sneak on again from time to time anyways, but probably not this instance. Also I miss you Cap come back my Captain Kawaii-desu.
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jun 25, 2013 10:22:46 GMT -8
MOD - DOCTOR BRAEDEN GREYSON Dr. Braeden Greyson, a prominent name in science, had upon occasion worked with Maximantics. In fact, he was hired to help develop drugs in particular (legal in nature, of course), being entrusted with helping develop Mr. Bondevik's son's drugs and being in charge of several projects. He has a long list of important names he has worked for, and this is perhaps not the first time he has attended a soiree that would be sabotaged. Of course, though, Maximantics was perhaps the most important of that list and a sabotaged soiree with Maximantics was sure to make headlines. He had calm airs about him as he attempted to help direct the onslaught of panicking socialites. He was shaking his head on the inside, aren't you supposed to expect these kinds of things when you gather this many important people, in disappointment of society. These people liked to pretend they were calm and collected, aristocratic in nature. Do those kinds of people exist in this day and age, when the media meddles with your mind? Really now... But of course, he had his concerns, especially in... Oh dear, Lukas? Lukas had actually been one of Doctor Greyson's patients, Greyson being charged as a leader of his case. Had the boy really run out of Aconril...? This can't be good... { OBJECTIVES - Find Lukas some Aconril (must talk to Greyson to proceed with this objective) - Evacuate everyone from the building - Tend to the injured - Find the cause of the explosion if possible
Good luck }
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jun 15, 2013 0:42:47 GMT -8
Oops, a mistake has been noticed. I had forgotten to add Katyusha Chernenko and Sophia Kirkland to the mix. If you would like to vote for either of these lovely ladies that I have regretfully forgotten, please comment below.
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jun 15, 2013 0:41:20 GMT -8
Pick the man that should be featured at the left.
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jun 15, 2013 0:33:51 GMT -8
Vote for a lovely female today, you won't regret it!
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jun 13, 2013 22:46:16 GMT -8
APPROVED | Welcome to TND. Your application has been accepted. I had many "dawwww" moments as I was reading this sheet! Floriana is a believable little girl, and it is very reasonable for her not to be the most cracked thing in London. Her innocence and adorability is a little light in our exploration of the darker shades of London. Her little dreams are adorable, and I would love for her to achieve her dreams. I hope she gets to meet her father one day, he deserves to see his beautiful little girl ; w;
The name is Soares. Floriana Soares. |
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jun 8, 2013 13:37:07 GMT -8
Granted, but then Proboards switches to v6 the next day.
I wish I would stop making typos.
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jun 6, 2013 18:43:00 GMT -8
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jun 6, 2013 18:28:49 GMT -8
omfg am i a meme now
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on Jun 3, 2013 13:10:09 GMT -8
Mkay, don't worry dear! We hope that the move goes smoothly c:
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on May 29, 2013 12:32:15 GMT -8
Sorry to say this guys, but I'll be quite busy come June and July. I've got quite a few online courses to complete and quite a bit of German to learn before my departure to Germany. Have to do be able to learn how to waltz and do the cha-cha for a friend's cotillion, have summer school to make up PE credits that I didn't do (because of taking another class) my sophomore year, and oh hey, my birthday is July 10th and I need to figure out what to do then. I'll be taking an indefinite hiatus because I'm not sure how long I'll take to get all my paperwork done for my departure to Germany. I'll try to get on before July 31st, which is my departure from my hometown, and of course before August 7th, my official departure from America to get to Germany. Can't make promises, though, and once I get to Germany, I don't know how long it'll be until I can actually get online and do my usual online things, as I'm going to probably try to assimilate and such. I'll get on when I need to stress relief from my coursework and actually feel like working on something for TND, but I really can't make promises as of now. Once I get some of these courses and obligations and work out of the way, hopefully I can get on. Thanks for being here, you guys (:
- Asunara Wisdom
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on May 17, 2013 5:37:58 GMT -8
APPROVED | Welcome to TND. Your application has been accepted. Wow she is adorbs. I love the way you portray her. Not often do people make Liechtenstein social; usually they go for that ‘shy and reserved’ sort of archetype. I see that you expanded it a bit more, giving Lili the voice she deserves! Also, as I said before, I love the idea that she’s a florist. It like clicked with my headcanon instantly. Hopefully we will so much more of her and see how she grows as a character!
The name is Zwingli. Lili Adelaide Zwingli. |
Dec 30, 2015 17:07:52 GMT -8
Tag me @asu
Post by Asunara Wisdom on May 13, 2013 16:12:42 GMT -8
I'M LOVIN' IT | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris cursus egestas hendrerit. Donec dolor massa, accumsan vitae pulvinar a, scelerisque id eros. Nam eros ante, ultricies ornare lacinia ac, egestas vitae urna. Vestibulum convallis faucibus elementum. Quisque quis purus quam, at lacinia magna. Donec malesuada quam ut odio fringilla non varius lacus blandit. In eget mauris elit. Vestibulum porta fringilla risus malesuada posuere. Nulla sem mi, pulvinar id facilisis id, interdum eu augue. Morbi consequat ligula dui, vel blandit enim. In lobortis condimentum ullamcorper. Mauris ut arcu tellus, fringilla vulputate quam.
Duis et velit turpis. Fusce a tristique est. Sed sed purus in ipsum mollis posuere blandit fringilla leo. Sed leo massa, semper dapibus eleifend malesuada, malesuada tincidunt dui. Pellentesque ac metus est, nec venenatis velit. Sed tempor rutrum erat at sodales. Nulla lacus tortor, ultrices eu dignissim eu, placerat sit amet turpis. Nulla facilisis cursus augue, ac viverra sapien eleifend id. Mauris scelerisque pharetra nisl a elementum. Nullam elit nunc, posuere et pharetra in, semper id erat. Mauris dignissim, sapien ac convallis molestie, libero augue hendrerit sapien, non venenatis ligula sem a urna. Suspendisse potenti.
Nam vel tortor eget quam venenatis ornare non sit amet orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed erat ipsum, dapibus in aliquam eget, blandit quis nisi. Mauris vitae libero nec lacus lobortis laoreet non et nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et justo velit. Donec at neque a massa semper hendrerit. Sed eget lorem eu ipsum mollis elementum quis quis nibh. Fusce ultricies laoreet dolor, sed sodales quam pellentesque a. Nulla aliquet blandit lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi pharetra sodales erat, quis pellentesque nulla blandit bibendum. Curabitur a dolor at erat ultrices scelerisque.
Fusce sollicitudin ipsum vitae quam tempus rutrum. Quisque sed dolor leo, non ultricies massa. Fusce dapibus, dolor in posuere varius, urna urna placerat risus, eu pellentesque felis elit vel quam. Suspendisse vitae nisl felis, vel consequat lacus. Sed neque nibh, congue sed posuere non, blandit nec mi. Proin malesuada rutrum enim ac viverra. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus adipiscing scelerisque aliquam. Proin pretium lacinia nisl, vitae scelerisque ligula tincidunt id. Quisque aliquet semper mauris volutpat tincidunt. Vestibulum nisi sapien, pretium nec porttitor quis, venenatis non risus.
Nullam sed nulla est, eget viverra neque. Cras vehicula placerat lacus, quis convallis diam adipiscing elementum. Fusce vitae metus ac ipsum porta pretium at a orci. Quisque viverra magna quis odio elementum consequat. Morbi consectetur lorem faucibus orci semper egestas. Cras in felis id lorem tempus elementum sed ac lacus. Curabitur dolor eros, vulputate vitae tempor id, tincidunt non elit. In vitae sapien ac nunc rhoncus pulvinar vel vel purus. Vestibulum volutpat tristique ipsum et faucibus. Duis gravida rutrum sagittis. Integer cursus urna in est pulvinar sit amet vehicula lectus commodo. Sed lobortis eros mollis risus rhoncus euismod laoreet orci facilisis. Nulla tincidunt tellus non ipsum iaculis suscipit. Aenean eu sem tortor. Morbi nec luctus metus. Praesent nisl quam, adipiscing at luctus id, pulvinar dictum lorem. | |